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[조약 Treaty] 사회권규약위 후속조치 보고 평가 CESCR Follow-up Report Assessment

작성일: 2019-12-09조회: 597

사회권규약위원회는 2019년 12월 9일 대한민국 정부에게 지난 4월 제출된 대한민국의 최종견해 후속조치 보고에 대한 평가를 전달했습니다.

이중 최종견해 단락 23의 반차별 법제화에 대해서 미흡하다고 평가하면서 다음 주기 보고에서 이에 대한 진전있는 조치를 기술할 것을 요구했습니다.

The Chair and Rapporteur for follow up to concluding observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights delivered the result of assessment on the ROK Government's follow-up report to the Committee's last concluding observations on 9 Dec. 2019.

Paragraph 23: Non-discrimination legislation – Insufficient progress. The Committee welcomes the measures taken by the State party, in particular the legislative initiatives, including on the strengthening of the National Human Rights Commission. However, it is apparent from the available information that the State party has not adopted a comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation covering all the prohibited grounds of discrimination, nor is it planning such a step in the near future. The Committee requests the State party to provide detailed information about the measures taken in this respect in its next report on the implementation of the Covenant.

주소: (우: 04057) 서울특별시 마포구 신촌로14길 20 (노고산동54-64) 태인빌딩 4층 전화: 02-7337-119 팩스: 02-2677-8119
기관명: 군인권센터(대표: 소장 임태훈) 고유번호: 101-80-06648

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