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[The Korea Herald] Should Seoul request repatriation of defector accused of sexual assault?

작성일: 2020-07-30조회: 328

The two North Koreans had expressed a desire to defect, but Seoul declined on the grounds that they were “heinous criminals.”

“Recently, South Korea has deported North Koreans who crossed over to the South because they had committed crimes,” Lim Tae-hoon, director of the Center for Military Human Rights Korea, said on a radio program, referring to the fishermen. “If North Korea is a normal nation, it should acknowledge the need for extradition.”

In response, the Unification Ministry said it would decide after a “comprehensive review.” 


주소: (우: 04057) 서울특별시 마포구 신촌로14길 20 (노고산동54-64) 태인빌딩 4층 전화: 02-7337-119 팩스: 02-2677-8119
기관명: 군인권센터(대표: 소장 임태훈) 고유번호: 101-80-06648

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