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[Reuter] South Korea to decide on first transgender soldier amid debate

작성일: 2020-01-17조회: 42

Online portal sites showed mixed reaction to the transgender soldier’s case, with some supporting the “courageous decision” while others saying the soldier should be discharged and reapply to join the female corps if necessary.

Human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have criticized South Korea’s military for discriminating against LBGT troops. The Seoul-based Military Human Rights Centre accused the military of treating LBGT troops “as if they are criminals” or people with disabilities. 

“The staff sergeant is a young soldier who has the loyalty and service spirits for the country and the people that are second to none, and loves the military more than anyone,” the group’s head Lim Tae-hoon told a news conference in Seoul.

“We strongly urge the military should turn over a new leaf by deciding to let the officer continue service.” 


주소: (우: 04057) 서울특별시 마포구 신촌로14길 20 (노고산동54-64) 태인빌딩 4층 전화: 02-7337-119 팩스: 02-2677-8119
기관명: 군인권센터(대표: 소장 임태훈) 고유번호: 101-80-06648

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